It’s fair to say that most of the time kids in general and small ones in particular give you nothing but grief.
But okay, I will admit occasionally they do make you laugh.
DD2, who is now 16 months, is currently perfecting her linguistic skills.
I’m told some toddlers don’t talk at all until they’re about three - so I don’t know what’s gone wrong with my nipper.
She’s already got a vocabulary as extensive as most teenagers’.
Sit down
Get down
Kitty (fave toy)
Ninny (drink)
Olive (honest, she’s quite sophisticated)
Mummy (to daddy)
Daddy (to mummy)
Child genius isn’t she?
She also does a very passable rendition of Twinkle, Twinkle - perfectly in tune, of course.
One of my favourites, though, is when a total stranger sees her and gives a friendly smile.
She’ll respond with an evil look and a genuinely threatening: “Wot?”
Most amusing.
Then, there’s her brilliant impressions.
She’s taken to copying most of what the Bad Mutha household says - which means we’ve all had to severely curtail the swearing, abuse and blasphemy.
But we were so proud the other day when a group of students were admiring her as we waited to get on the Dublin to Holyhead ferry.
As they smiled down and said: “Hello!”, she grinned back and did a marvellous: “A-ha!” in the manner of Alan Partridge during his Knowing Me, Knowing You era.
They nearly wet themselves. DD2 was delighted.
So - is my kid a one-off or can your tot say anything supremely funny?
Post your examples here...
So long....
Dear Readers,
Thanks for supporting this blog over the last few years. Writing it has
been an absolute pleasure, though the time has come to shut this part...
13 years ago
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