Which twit at the BBC decided to choose this particular week to muck around with the CBeebies Bedtime Hour?
Everyone knows that zillions of parents happily use the insanely hypnotic TV hit In the Night Garden as part of their nightly bedtime routine.
And before you ask, yes I am quite happy for the telly to “babysit” DD2 if it gives me half an hour's peace. Get over it.
But the powers that be at the Beeb have this week decided to axe Iggle Piggle and Co from the bedtime schedule. And replace them with crappy Charlie and Lola and 64, 64, 64, 64 Zoo Lane. Yawn.
Did no one at the Beeb remember that the clocks went forward last weekend?
So tiny tots like mine are already really mixed up about why they’re being forced to go to bed when it’s fully light outside.
Losing ITNG from its regular slot at 6.20pm has made this problem about 50 times worse.
Screaming blue murder for three quarters of an hour in her cot, DD2 was that first night.
Why couldn’t they just leave the bedtime schedule alone?
The BBC website says ITNG is just being rested and will return.
What a load of balls.
You wouldn’t muck around with the time slot for Coronation Street or GMTV for no reason. It would seriously irritate viewers.
Why should pre-schoolers have to put up with inferior replacement programmes?
So, join the campaign to get ITNG reinstated now.
Make your views known at www.bbc.co.uk/complaints.
So long....
Dear Readers,
Thanks for supporting this blog over the last few years. Writing it has
been an absolute pleasure, though the time has come to shut this part...
13 years ago
1 comment:
Hi bad mutha,
I am sure there are lots of other children with different tastes of programmes on 'beebs' so I dont see the problem in buying a ITNG DVD to help your DD2 over the trauma she is facing. For gods sake!! See problem sorted!!!!
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